Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sir Walter Raleigh...Identify and Examine:

Today in media class, we covered the introduction of the book Sir Walter Raleigh by nonfiction author, Tanya Larkin, as well as read pages 1 and 2 of the biography. Remember, since this is a Super Lit Quiz Bowl book, we want to pay particularly close attention to the details surrounding the life of Raleigh. Let's help each other think about:

What is the key information, main facts, and most relevant information that you could retell to someone who did NOT read this book with us today? What knowledge (from pages 1 and 2) could YOU share with others about Raleigh? In short, tell us what was memorable to you!


  1. I think Raleigh was a brave man who loved to explore.

  2. I thought it was really cool how Raleigh wanted to be an explorer since he was a child.

  3. I like the book it is good so far.But what i dont think is fare is that the spanish had the right to attack enlish ships.If I had been Raleigh, I would have foght back and showed the spanish what England thinks of this.

  4. Queen Elizabeth 1 let Sir Walter Raleigh have a wine company.She knighted him and gave him a palace and let him export woolen cloth, all because he gave her advice!

  5. Hey Javon,
    Let's say I give you some advice on a good book to read...would you give me a palace on the Thames River like Queen Elizabeth I gave to Raleigh? lol

  6. I like the book!It was great for him to fight for his country I would do that also.I think he is a very brave man for doing that.I hope other people think that to.

  7. Queen Elizabeth let him have a palace,land,
    houses and important jobs.She also let him
    be the captain of her guards.

  8. I learned that he became a knight of Queen Elizabeth's in 1585.He was complaining to Queen Elizabeth that the English soldiers were not doing a good job and became her friend.

  9. He was a friend of queen Elizabith.He got very rich because of queen Elizabith,he gave her advice.

  10. Sir Walter Raleigh was very poor.But he did have two rich relatives named Sir Francis Drake and Humphrey Gillbert.Also Gillbert and Raleigh had a plan to see the New World.

  11. I learned about Sir Walter Raleigh he was poor when he was young. B he had rich relatives he have a half brother name Gilbert.

  12. Sir walter raleigh was born in the mid 1500s in England. Raleigh was poor as he was he a boy. He had rich relatives sir Francis Drake and Gilbert

  13. I remember that that Sir Walter Raleigh was Queen Elizabeth's favorite advisor because he gave her advice. That was the best!Queen Elizabeth gave him great stuff that made him a rich like knighting him, gave him a palace by the Thames River in England, and capton of her army.

  14. I learned that Sir Walter Raleigh was born in the 1500's in England. Did you know that Raleigh was poor when he was young and his rich relatives were? Queen Elizabeth gave some gifts to Raligh because he gave Elizabeth edvice to rule England.

  15. You ALL are certainly seeing the strong connection between Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I! Seems like the Queen would have the kind of influence that Raleigh might need in order to make his dreams of exploration a reality. I guess we'll have to read and see!

  16. Queen Elizebeth favored Raliegh. She gave him a palace on the Thames River in England. She also gave him land,houses,and important jobs.She gave him control over the country's wine business,and her gaurd.She did al of this because she gave him advice!

  17. I learned that Spain and Portugal were Catholic countries at this place in time.I also learned that Raleigh was a Protestant.

  18. I think that Sir Walter Raleigh was a hard working man. He gave people respect so they would help him travel to the New World.

  19. Sir Raleigh gave the queen advice about how to run the country and in return she gave him a palace, and the country wine business. I think that she was very smart to not get married.

  20. Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Eizabeth 1 did not have a relaionship. Becase Queen Eizabeth made him mad, because she made him stay with her. So Raleigh's cousin Sir Richard Grenville,commanded the ships instead. That's what made Raleigh mad.
